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Healthy Eating

We believe that mealtimes should be social, happy times where skills can be developed and a variety of foods tasted. Our various menus are designed to feed your child a nutritionally healthy and balanced diet.


Meals may be adopted to suit a baby's individual stages of development, introducing a variety of tastes and textures. We ask you to provide sufficient pre-prepared bottles of formula milk, clearly labelled with your child's name. 


As a day nursery we are very much aware of the importance of providing

a positive influence on children’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour

towards food and a healthy lifestyle.

The sharing of refreshments can play an important part in the social life

of the day nursery as well as reinforcing children’s understanding of the

importance of healthy living. We aim to provide healthy sugar free snacks

and drinks to foster a positive approach to healthy eating. The children

will quite often help to make their tea or snack.


We will display a daily menu on the notice board.



Our policy on healthy eating:


- We aim to provide 5 fruit and veg portions over the full day

- Fresh Fruit is offered at every session
- Milk or Water will be offered during each session

- Hot Lunches prepared fresh every day

- Children’s individual dietary needs will be respected

- Children will be given sufficient time to eat and drink

- Staff will provide a good role model for eating

- We do not encourage sweets or cakes in the nursery

- Fresh water will be available at all times


Typical Daily Menu



Cereal(corn flakes, shredded wheat), milk.

Morning snack; Wholemeal bread, butter, jam.



Pasta bolognese, broccoli, carrots.




Afternoon snack

Houmus, pitta bread, carrot batons


© 2023 by Little Tots Preschool

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